Dalí's Mustache. Everyone knows it, everyone recognizes it. We love mustaches - but not just any mustache, it must have a unique flair, we also love Dalí. And from the most famous mustache in art to a resonant, round name that defines what we do, it was a straightforward path: Mustash. For a few years, we ventured through 1s and 0s, only in the virtual world, and then we realized that we were missing the closeness of people, the effervescence of real, unmediated encounters. It is on this simple idea that our intentions to engage in commerce are built, through the natural interaction with the people who enter our store.

The image began to take shape beautifully in our minds, so we took our bags on our backs and started our journey. First, we arrived at the heart of the plastic arts trade in Bucharest, searching for a space that would be patient with us and our customers, and we found it. Then the natural question arose: How can we transform the space available to us into something that is as close to us as possible? This question was followed by a whole series of other dilemmas: What color should we use? Where should we place this? What kind of furniture should we create? And so on. All of these led us back to craftsmanship or simply making things with our own hands. And we did: a brushstroke on the wall (and you don't even want to know what it means to paint a dark and heavy color on a delicate wall), wooden shelves (measure, cut, paint, fit, persist, play with the wood and befriend its fibers), decent lighting (how to turn an ordinary spotlight, like one from a grocery store, into something friendly), and so on.

And there will be many more. We don't lack ideas, nor canvases or colors. Maybe mustaches, because none of us yet have the courage to grow a bold one, but that's okay, we have illustrious ancestors.

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